Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fisher Portrait

I checked my trail cam yesterday and found this fisher had posed for it. There were over 200 raccoon shots during the 10 days it was set up, most were butt shots and deleted. The fisher is a resident of hardwood and conifers so not common on Crex proper but common (and elusive) in suitable habitat on Fish Lake and along the St. Croix where this camera was set up. As with so many predators it is more active at night and eats a variety of foods, dead or alive. According to eNature it enjoys porcupines, I'd love to come upon a fisher killed porcupine.

On a side note, the hawk owl is still present in the same area but perches high on a pine tree so a little harder to spot.

1 comment:

Crex Meadows Lovers said...

Great capture Dale. I've only seen 2 fishers during the day. One was by Cranberry Dike Road but now that area is all logged out. The other was crossing Cty RD O in Fish Lake where the deep woods are.