Monday, February 22, 2010

Feeder Activity

A Morning at the Feeder from Dale Bohlke on Vimeo.

I don't usually photograph at feeders but the winter is getting long and John Menge has placed a couple of them in very photogenic locations. One is at the West Marshland townhall parking lot which produced this experience last week. One of the challenges of video is getting 10 seconds of footage at a time. Chickadees are almost impossible to record this long. By the time they are in the viewfinder and in focus they are ready to move on. The nuthatches were using this limb and I just waited for them to come back to it. In the meantime my attention was diverted to this mouse.

Q:When is a mouse not a mouse? A: When it is a red backed vole. Thanks to John for the ID.

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